Like the other film, starring Van Diesel, the film also demonstrates physical strength with a pump action andrenalin. This film director commendable to adjust the hard and cold character by choosing Van Diesel in the starring role.It is reported that Toorop (Vin Diesel) is a mercenary who'd do anything to get money. At one point he offered to pick up and escort a girl from China to America. This mission is given by Gorsky (Gerarg Depardieu), a boss mavia, drug dealers and weapons. The agreement of both parties happening with the consequences of each. Toorop receive some money, but in his neck will be plugged into a detector. If Toorop blurred, then the tools will give the signal. With a signal that the bullet from the child's fruit bazooka Gorzky would destroy her body. Not tensions name if the mission is not timed. Time pick-up and to the United States is 6 days. Six days that must pass through five different countries and different adventure suspense.

The first country is China (Mongolia), where a girl named Aurora (Thierry Mellanie) live. Aurora Place is located in a "temple" that is hidden. For decades this girl live in it and have never come out. He just knew Rebecca (Micelle Yeoh) as a nanny.After pick up Aurora and Rebecca, they then came out of Mongolia to Kazakhstan through the journey overland. Upon arrival there was the arrival of their already known the other party. They spied on, followed by their gestures.However Toorop not heed them. They have rushed to the train station to go to Russia. In this TV station oddity that happens the first time. Aurora, the girl who first saw the outside world, to feel himself watched a lot of people, he feels everyone wants to do evil in itself. Finally she fled in fear and ran against a crowd of people who flocked to the station. Toorop and Rebecca scrambling to catch up. In this pursuit when chasing a big explosion at the station occurred. Dozens of people become victims. The three were lucky to survive and continue the journey to Russia with the next train.Once in Russia, they can not simply be separated from those who follow. Toorop immediately booked 3 tickets, 3 passport and 2 motor snow. The next incident could be expected, Toorop and Rebecca pitted the strength to keep Aurora from the spies. When the fight was over just note that they are the messengers of Aurora's father. Aurora itself also recently found out that he has a father. Previously he was always convinced Rebecca that her father had died.The next story, they immediately go to a carpet of snow in the entourage of the population, women, children, old and young. They apparently have the same goal. In the middle of the snow, came a mysterious submarine. They quickly scramble to get into the ship. If not quickly, then their presence would be detected radar foreign parties and will be destroyed. Many of those who have plunged into the icy cold. Carers submarine that was very cruel, do not hesitate to shoot people that are slow and she did not like. But three of them lucky to get into the submarine. Seeing the incident, the Aurora is very angry and immediately seized control of the ship. Surprisingly he could run the ship, but this is the first time he climbed into a submarine.Inside this vessel Rebecca told Toorop that Aurora since childhood has its advantages and peculiarities. Since the age of 2 years he was able to speak fluently. He also can find an incident outside his knowledge.Their next destination is Canada. In this place then Toorop radar injects fluid into the neck. This liquid than as a radar, as well as a means to avoid detection for entry into New York. Because Toorop blacklisted police in New York, because of riots and "crime" was doing.Arriving in New York, they had been awaited by children Gorzky fruit. They want to immediately take Elena and brought before the Gorzky. But on the other hand there are also men Elena's father. Inside the hotel, too. Elena examined a doctor. This doctor who first discovered the wonders of self-discrepancy and Elena. The result of this examination time was Elena pregnant. She was pregnant with twins, but Elena is a virgin.

How could Elena get pregnant when she was a virgin and never touch with a man too?Not wanting to let go of Elena, the fluid that is injected into the neck radar Toorop enabled. Naturally released bazooka bullet Gorzky men will chase Toorop. Triangle fierce battle took place, between groups of Toorop, Gorzky subordinates, and subordinates Elena's father. Rebecca finally tertembah and died on the spot. While Aurora eventually have to shoot Toorop to fool both sides.But in the end Toorop saved by Elena's father, Dr. Doken J. Apparently Elena is a research project "Knowlight" between father and mother Elena. But in the end they are also scrambling to get Elena.Finally Gorzky Elena's mother was killed by firing missiles with precise distance when Gorzky was in the tank luxury. Then he also killed her own husband.Elena finally gave birth to twins and Toorop found in a remote village. Once through contact with the men shoot the mother Elena, then finally take care of both children Toorop Elena them.It is not intended to justify, but in general the film is not semenantang like xXx example. Flow and its action is not total. Even the plot tend to be boring for an action film.Sinematografinya also a bit harsh, if not exactly ugly, compared to the action film with another actor Vin Diesel. Like when there was an explosion on the train. Blow and serpihak that there are so subtle animation. It is not meant to judge, but you could say that this movie is not as good as desired audience.