After success with his first film which is "Twilight", Catherine Hardwicke try new challenges by making a movie in another story. Success in making it a little Twilight terobesesi with almost the same story. So start made ??the film with the title of this Red Riding Hood. Screenplay was made by David Johnson with a touch of gothic. A young star, Amanda Seyfried is required to show a little naughty and wild. The plot of this film explains that Valerie (Amanda Seyfried) is a young woman living in the village of Daggerhorn. She is in love with the woodcutter Peter (Shiloh Fernandez), but her parents Cesaire (Billy Burke) and Suzette (Virginia Madsen) have promised the wealthy blacksmith Adrian Lazar (Michael Shanks) that Valerie will marry his son Henry (Max Irons).
Valerie plans to run away with Peter, but their plans are put on hold when the town's church bells ring, telling the couple that the Wolf who terrorizes their village has struck again. The victim is found to be Valerie's older sister Lucie (Alexandria Malliot). The townspeople have offered a monthly sacrifice to the Wolf and made it clear that people should stay away from the woods.

The townspeople decide to celebrate the death of the wolf, but their festivities are interrupted by the arrival of famous witch hunter Father Solomon (Gary Oldman). He reveals that the townspeople did not kill the real Wolf because, if they had, it would have changed back into its human form, meaning that the beast is a werewolf. The townspeople decide to continue the celebration but, once again, the festivities are interrupted; this time, however, by the arrival of the real Wolf. It is revealed that those bitten by the Wolf during the week of a blood moon shall receive the curse as well. Valerie and her friend Roxanne (Shauna Kain) are cornered by the Wolf while attempting to get to the Church, which,

The following day, Roxanne's autistic brother is arrested by Father Solomon, who believes him to be an accomplice of the Wolf due

Henry frees Valerie while Peter heads to the tower where Father Solomon has been overseeing the action. Peter sets the tower on fire, only to be caught in the act and thrown into the Brazen Bull, though the fire is not lit underneath it. Father Solomon's men are about to shoot Valerie and Henry when the Wolf appears, killing several more people. The Wolf then follows Valerie to the church, only to burn its paw upon entering. Father Solomon attempts to kill the Wolf, but has his hand bitten off instead. Roxanne and the others shield her from the Wolf until the sun rises. Valerie later has a dream and becomes convinced that her Grandmother (Julie Christie), who lives in a cabin in the woods, is the Wolf. She sets out to destroy her Grandmother and save the village while Father Solomon is executed.
Valerie is about to leave the village when she makes a stop at the Church. Valerie meets Peter in the woods and notices he's wearing a glove. When he doesn't explain how he was able to get out of the bull, Valerie comes to the conclusion that he's the Wolf and that he is attempting to hide his burned paw. Valerie slashes him with a knife and then flees. She arrives at her grandmother's house only to find her Grandmother is acting strangely and will not reveal herself. The curtains are pulled back and it is revealed that the Wolf was neither Peter nor Valerie's grandmother but Cesaire, who was faking her grandmother's voice. Cesaire explains that he needed someone to pass his gift onto as the blood moon is almost over. He originally intended for it to be Lucie, but she saw him and remained frightened. Since any offspring of a Wolf is able to understand its language, Cesaire attempted to communicate with Lucie. However, when Lucie was unable to understand him, Cesaire realized Suzette's infidelity. It was upon this revelation that Cesaire killed Lucie in an act of rage, later killing Adrian and clawing Valerie's mother. He also reveals that he killed Valerie's grandmother once she realized that he was the Wolf.
Cesaire is about to bite Valerie when Peter arrives to save her. Cesaire then fights Peter and bites him. As Cesaire attempts to bite Valerie again, Peter throws his axe into his back and Valerie stabs him with the silver fingernails of Father Solomon's severed hand and kills him. Valerie and Peter then dispose of Cesaire's body by filling him with rocks and dumping him into the middle of the river. When Peter rows Valerie back to the bank of the river he stays in the boat and tells her he has to leave because she is unsafe near him until he can learn to control himself. Valerie then has a vision of herself running away with Peter and wants to give in but instead tells him she will wait for him. Smiling, Peter says that he knew she would say that.
A year later the village has returned to normal and Suzette has finally come to realize that Cesaire will not return, never learning his true identity or fate. Henry is shown to have become a brave soldier, having called off his engagement to Valerie when he realized she loved Peter. Valerie now lives in her Grandmother’s house, away from the village. One night while outside the cottage, Valerie hears something calling her name. She turns to see a wolf coming out of the darkness and she smiles as Peter has returned to her. As the credits roll, Valerie and Peter are seen together on a snowy mountain.
In the alternate ending released with the DVD, the ending proceeds much the same. However when Peter returns to Valerie, at her Grandmother's house in the woods she turns to reveal a newborn child in her arms wearing a red cloak.