The story in this film set in World War II, where a Polish citizen named Janusz (Jim Sturgess) is sent to the Gulag in Siberia after his wife was tortured and forced by the Russians to be a witness that her husband really is a rebel or a spy. Gulag is the sort of places that are specially made for the rebels occupied in those days, surrounded by barbed wire and located in isolated areas. Gulag around the iceberg and there is a forest inhabited by wild beasts. Janusz and others forced to work and fed patch, a bedroom occupied by dozens of people who soon-to-be-dead. Janusz innocent and believe that his wife had been tortured finally decided to take a big decision, which escaped from the Gulag. Together with some friends the same boat, they made various plans to run away as far as 4000 miles from the mountains of Siberia to India to attain freedom.
Value more than this movie is based on a true story. The story of this film shows the struggle without despair. It is seen as Janusz and friends escape from the Gulag struggling through various obstacles that exist but do not despair. They still struggle when it comes to melewatti iceberg (Siberia), desert (Mongolian), Tibet, to India. They feel hypotermia, dehydration, hunger, thirst, but the spirit they beat all the pain.
It is not wrong if dubbed as director Peter Weir's brilliant. Some movie ever working on like the Dead Poets Society (1989), Fearless (1993), The Truman Show (1998), and Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003) is a very tangible results. So is the movie garapannya this time. It was an impressive movie!